There are many pastas to choose from and making your own pasta is easy, Tortellini are ring shaped pasta , typically filled with meats and cheese. You can put what you like in these little fellas and they are going to taste fantastic. I fill my Tortellini with Sausage Meat, Homemade Sausage meat is best.
Tortellini is often served with an Italian Tomato Pasta Sauce such as Marinara Sauce or Mascarpone Sauce. I like Tortellini with Couscous but it is great served on its own.
The price of making these Tortellini depends on the sausage meat you use.
If you make your own pasta then it is cheaper again.
Cost to make:
£2.99 / $3.78 (Est.)
Tortellini are pasta originally from the Italian region of Emilia. Traditionally they are stuffed with a mix of meat, Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, egg and nutmeg and served in capon broth. In the area of origin they are usually sold fresh or home-made.
Tortellins are sometimes called the Belly button pasta because of its resemblance and shape.
Today you can buy tortellini in ready made packets, ready to cook and serve up with a Marinara or other pasta sauce.
These Tortrllini are a bit like Ravioli, and you can fill them with anything you like.